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Informative Seminar in Paphos

Informative seminar in Paphos

Informative seminar in Paphos

The seminar organized by POEM in the cultural center "Old Electric" in Paphos has been successfully held,

on Saturday 14.02.2015 from 9:30-13:00.

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A. Procedure for issuing urban planning permits. Ways to speed up the process and main problems presented.

Speaker: Mrs. Elena Christofidou Petrakis, District Urban Planning Officer of Paphos.

B. Safety and Health Plan in Buildings.

Speaker: Mr. Georgios Katsonouris, Labor Inspector 1st

We sincerely thank the speakers for the interesting speeches and updates on issues concerning the scholars and those who attended the seminar.

also, We sincerely thank our sponsors for the presentations of their products.

. Group ecobestN&K Metal Co. (Logo CMYK)


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